Blog June 2024 – Nut allergy

June 2024

‘Noot-geval’: a picture book about food allergies

‘Noot-geval’ is a picture book about food allergies. If your child or a child in your care has a food allergy and you’d like to share information about it in a fun way at school or with the childminder, this book is a great resource.

'Noot-geval’ is a picture book about Ko and her squirrel friend. It explains what a food allergy is in a child-friendly way. Bekijk hier een video over het prentenboek op YouTube.

The book was written bij the mother of a child who suffered from a food allergy. On her website she shares practical information and her personal story. You can also download an action card related to food allergies. Click here!!

Fun coloring pages for different ages!

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