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Gastouderbureau Toppie
Mediator in childminder care throughout the Netherlands

Welcome to Gastouderbureau Toppie!

Flexible childcare in a warm and homely environment

Wide range of professional and qualified childminders

User-friendly administration system Opvangapp

Committed and qualified mediators
Gastouderbureau Toppie is a nationally registered childcare agency. We mediate and support childminders and parents in the care of children from birth until they go to secondary school.
We also provide a stable and safe environment, at the home of the parent or childminder. We keep an eye on the pedagogical quality and provide a complete, clear administration.
Mediation for everyone!
Gastouderbureau Toppie considers personal contact between the agency, the childminder and the parents to be very important. That is why you have your own contact person in your region.

I am parent (or soon to be)
As a parent you should have a good feeling about the care for your child, that is the most important thing. That is why Gastouderbureau Toppie thoroughly looks for a childminder that suits you and your child.

I am a childminder or want to become one
As a childminder, you can provide childcare both in your own home and at the parent's house. Gastouderbureau Toppie is happy to help you with the start or expansion of your childcare.
Gastouderbureau Toppie has various locations throughout the Netherlands.
See which branch is near you and who your contact person is!
Contact us
Send an email to
[email protected]